Our nations need great leaders.
Not just great leaders but great visionary men and women who seek to do new things in new ways. As we navigate through changing times, we desire to see young people equipped and empowered to bring influence and change into all spheres of society.
The Basic Leadership Practicum is a program you can join for up to two years as you seek to deepen your relationship with God while pursuing an integrated training in how to become a visionary, apostolic leader of today.
BLP students also join one of our sphere teams in order to put into place the teaching and training they are receiving in the classroom. Encouraged to take on an area of leadership, BLP students receive encouragement and mentoring on a weekly basis to learn all that is needed to grow in order that they can become a leader after God’s heart.

Weekly training with different experienced leaders contributes to your learning experience. Topics include: Value based Foundations Strengthen your Leadership, Goal Setting and Evaluation, What is an Apostolic Leader Anyway? and more. All content is carefully curated, and presents ample opportunities for application as you process and apply your learning into your sphere team

Your character plays a vital role in your overall calling and life as a leader. Throughout this course you will be encouraged to pay careful attention to your growth, challenging yourself to practice and apply what it means to love God with your heart, soul and mind, and to love your neighbour as yourself.

Collaboration with God and one another is highly emphasized on this course. So throughout your time you will embark on a journey of discovery with others to find Gods heart and a kingdom perspective. Processing time within your school and with your mentor is a key aspect in your learning journey.

You will be encouraged and challenged to sharpen your skill(s) to produce relevant, creative and high quality work. Your assignments, projects and presentations will present more than enough opportunities for you to grow, learn about your strengths and weaknesses and excel in your desire to trust God where you step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.

Worship and prayer are integral aspects of our daily lives. Engaging in these allows us to grow a deeper passion for God and seek revelation of his heart and purposes for the world. It is a place to get nourishment, encouragement and inspiration as we connect and join in his redemptive work. You will join with our community for these times of corporate prayer and worship.

You will be part of a relationship-oriented and multi-cultural group both within the BLP program but then in your wider sphere team. This course means meeting new people from around the world and forming relationships as you partner together. Often working cross culturally, you will learn what it means to be a team player and contribute what you have to the process.